Showing posts with label Graffiti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graffiti. Show all posts

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Buff Monsters. Graffiti movement.

Graffiti movements in the world so different as so common. Today I'll present to you one of them - Buff Monsters.

graffiti, poster graffiti and stickers by buff monsters
graffiti, poster graffiti and stickers by buff monsters
graffiti, poster graffiti and stickers by buff monsters
graffiti, poster graffiti and stickers by buff monsters
graffiti, poster graffiti and stickers by buff monsters

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Graffiti by Kofie, Eye and Cache

In your city you can find a lot of graffiti, some of you can find such good productions like the Graffiti by Kofie, Eye and Cache. That is real street art.
street art graffiti by Kofie Eye and Cache
street art graffiti by Kofie Eye and Cache
street art graffiti by Kofie Eye and Cache
street art graffiti by Kofie Eye and Cache
street art graffiti by Kofie Eye and Cache

Sunday, December 19, 2010

When do we stop?

First up - CNN! Been meaning to post this for ages, but here it is. Go stiX and the heart fence!

now the thoughtful bit-

Of late i've struggled with whether or not to continue with knit graffiti.

My concept of what knit graffiti is, and why I do it, is pretty strong. I want to challenge, inspire, and do the unexpected. Not only have I not felt that i've been achieving this of late, but the amount of 'knit graffiti' has jumped dramatically.

So I had a conversation with my mother (as you do) about why and how and if. We considered the definition of what I call 'knit graffiti' with 'knit tags'. There are the pieces that are put up because they look pretty, and those that are saying something. The knitted squares that go on trees because it is 'fun', and the carefully considered statement pieces put up to prove that craft can be art.

On the third hand, there are the 'installations' - crafted tags attached with the blessing of an authority, be it in public or in a gallery.

Personally I want to progress OutdoorKnit to keep saying stuff, but say it differently, to continue to find new and different ways to stand up for craft and feminism and thought-provoking public art. Having decided this, I was happy to continue, albeit quietly for the time being.

This week friend in Ireland sent me the link to the video below. I watched it, rolled my eyes and went back to those original thoughts. You can't get more mass media than Vodafone, really.

What's the point if it is mainstream and no longer seen as subversive? And then I thought of Banksy, and even the Wellington graffiti crew who continue to inspire despite the fact graffiti is seen more and more as 'mainstream'. They keep going, so, dammit, will I. But my work will be more considered and carefully crafted. And i'm going to keep saying stuff.

Who's with me?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Work Bubble Letters Graffiti

graffiti, bubble letters, graffiti bubble letters
graffiti, bubble letters, graffiti bubble letters
graffiti, bubble letters, graffiti bubble letters
graffiti, bubble letters, graffiti bubble letters

A good work of graffiti art produced by a bubble letters, with a simple concept and interesting.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Amazing graffiti wall


wall graffiti
wall graffiti, graffiti 3d
wall graffiti, graffiti 3d
wall graffiti, graffiti 3dAmazing graffiti wall
Thanks for checking out my Graffiti Alphabet page.Leave a comment guys.Peace[via]

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Digital graffiti by goat for dinner

digital graffiti, graffiti
Digital graffiti by goat for dinner
awesome about graffiti on graffiti alphabet murals?or just comment my blog..
thanks to eminem 402

Monday, February 1, 2010

Banksy Graffiti Art: 3D Painting Art On The Walls

Banksy Graffiti Art: 3D Painting Art On The Walls. Graffiti that has meaning behind an image