Showing posts with label brazil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brazil. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Graffiti Alphabet"JOSS"


graffiti art, graffiti alphabet, brazil, bulgaria

graffiti art, graffiti alphabet, brazil, bulgaria

graffiti art, bubble graffiti alphabet, brazil, bulgaria

graffiti art, graffiti alphabet, brazil, bulgaria

Graffiti Alphabet"JOSS"

Graffiti is one of the truly Joss with a color that looks bright and simple from brazil country and Bulgaria.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Tecno (Techno) Brega Style > Popular but not mainstream.How?

A musical movement from Belém do Pará - Brazil

What is interesting is that the artists do their "own" production, distribute this and make millions of followers without need TV or other...

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